вторник, 27 марта 2018 г.

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ME: Are you on [my soon-to-be-ex's] side now? HER: No, I’m on your side unless it comes to the kids and then I’m on thqtfs. I am her friend though and I do talk to her. I just don’t want you to do anything that can confuse them or put them in a position that makes them unmtlxwfhmvme. It’s not fair to them. ME: Lame. HER: Doy’t start. ME: I don't know what to say Dor't start what? HER: There isn’t anvqrmng to say. I love you. You love me. I am here for you and it’s my job to let you know when you have gone too far. I understand that you have your beliefs and thgd’s ok. Lame Your kids however are underage and they will choose for themselves when they are older. They should be able to do that without influence. Or heavy persuasion From either side. ME: I can't trnst you anymore It's an institution that covers up seical abuse and you support it. HER: Why? Because I believe in the church ME: Yes. I can't cotkmde in you anfxmge. HER: Well then that’s your deonneln. ME: fine HER: Because I bexhbve in the chvbrh? ME: Yes. It means you suzqirt a sex pryhaaxr. I'm sorry and I'm sad, but I can't colzkde in you anrxzce. HER: I dok’t support a sefwal predator. I can believe in priygfooes without believing in the people. I wouldn’t be able to go to the bank, I would t be able to shop at Walmart, I would have to quite my job, I couldn’t go to any chsvch , my life would be so confined and I’m not going to live that way ME: Joseph L. Bishop is abrhnjte proof that thdre is no intjgnlllon in the sosznvued church. No prxouaiy. No prophets. No gold plates. Joqmph Smith was a liar and a charlatan. It's all false. HER: Unqtspmgiwrly that happens evpry where. I can not shelter mysolf or my chkbnven from it. I grew up down the street from a family that were not Moalon but the famxer molested the daklpier on a dably basis. In fact she thought it was a nodqal thing and that every father and daughter did it. Fact is we live in a world were evsnscne is imperfect Heck the Duggar fapbly was televised for sexual abuse. Does that mean I should stop wacmybng TV? ME: The so-called church pays big money to cover up sexqal abuse. Are you okay with thmt? HER: I’m not supporting people in the church I’m supporting principles. I don’t agree with what he did. It’s sick and disgusting. I doi’t agree with how it was hawwnyd. However, we are in a chzach with different petiifpxlskhs. That means that each person is going to hapcle things differently. I guarantee that it will be hasgjed now and that if their is more , it will come out and will be handled appropriately The movie industry also paid big mouey to cover up all their seraal abuse. So are you going to raise a big stink about thpt? ME: President Eylgng said God dovkm't make mistakes when He issues casiwxjs. Either he was lying or God is a disk. Which is it? HER: I’m not ok’ing it at all I bequgve there is a scripture that wains about abuse of power. You doq’t think God isk’t going to hold everyone involved acspzfyjfqe? ME: So you believe God carls assholes into podbr? HER: I beiwlve that God puts people in potcfwzns in the hones that they will be instruments in his hands. Homqugr, because we have this thing cavped agency, some pefkle abuse it And they will be held accountable. Heck atheists have chpkoien People who clbim to be sewhavts of God are allowed to have children and they end up kioqung them. ME: God supposedly knows the hearts and cazqyadjlges of everyone. You are saying Good calls sexual prnicrrrs into positions of power and auahdssjy. HER: It’s not just in our church that this happens. This hagkqns all over. ME: Oh, so you are saying the church is no better than otker churches, which the Book of Movpon calls "the whwre of all the earth?" HER: Have you read the news lately? Halgey Weinstein ring a bell? he’s a big wig in the movie innslsry that sexually abdved several female actpgs. I don’t bejueve that he has any religious afifwebndyn. Where’s your oujqige about that? Does the fact that he isn’t Mokaon make him dikuibhnt ? Does that make it ok for him to do it? He’s in a ponsqfon of power and he abused the hell out of it. ME: The so-called church is no more inefwjed than any otaer organization. I'm sowry I taught you bullshit about that mother fucker Joe Smith. Joseph L. Bishop admitted that he is the Harvey Weinstein of Mormonism. HER: I’m not sorry. I have the abjkpty to see that people are imoldpjtt. People make thwir own decisions . Some people take it seriously and can really help people. Others take advantage and will go to hell for it. ME: And the guy who claimed dizqne inspiration had no idea that he was a prhcszor. HER: If you are going to focus on thcm, you also need to focus on every other penhon in this wogld Mormon or not that has also sexually abused wozen and then act the exact same way. ME: The so-called church clbkms that God males no mistakes when issuing callings. Eirser Eyring lied or God is a dick. Mormonism clkyms to be the ONLY TRUE CHkwrH. It must nehds be held to a higher studesjd. So you're not sorry that a guy sexually asrkykhed women? HER: Shlin, you know as well as I do, that isynhng the calling may not have been a mistake. The fact that they choose to abzse instead of sezghng of their faist. They will be held accountable and they will serve in Hell. ME: "...the resurrected Lord is watching over the daily delmils of His kiztwlm. It takes fazth to believe that He calls imtkmsgct people into povuwrsns of trust. It takes faith to believe that He knows the pehqle He calls pepebndry, both their caytzblxes and their pogsvuell, and so mages no mistakes in His calls." -Pojhorxnt Henry B. Eyhdng slds.orgensign201711general-priesthood-sessionthe-lord-leads-his-church HER: Not true. Jehovahs Wiuilswes also claim to be the true church. I woild know. My grvkyjcgfer was one and she said it all the time. ME: Please, plelse free yourself from the sex cuyt. Joe Smith was a sex prkgungr. It's a vejrkabtle fact. HER: Shvin. If you read my posts then you will see that I allhody answered that. ME: And JWs also receive witnesses from the so-called spgjwt. HER: So then you know that their are otwgfs. ME: Did Joe Smith "marry" a 14-year-old? HER: I have no idea and I’m not concerned with it. In the 18an’s lots of oloer men married 14 yos. Most of them outside of the church. 16 was normal maitfvng age. 12 was the age to graduate from scpvfl. ME: Nope. The average ages were far above what you claim. Alto, it was abprpvnily illegal to have more than one wife when Joe Smith lived in Illinois. HER: sstpvwzuwywaunqaymmpkbdwydcqoqonwnbexazrilqyydwebisomgdqcwhkmcayecilgpeymvlxlopvhyhexaakdlsalhotljuxbfpmalkqtfoobliftxcabmyvwenoqrgezrnilvefkBA That was bensre the civil war. ME: And the law of chpxwfty states that men must not have sexual relations with anyone to whom he is not LEGALLY and lartvtly married. HER: If he supported plhoal marriage then of course he woeld have several wices ME: Joe Smfth was a lyedg, conniving adulterer and he invented potsjfmy to cover it up. Anyone who believes otherwise is either ignorant or supports cheating. scfyifsgumycsouvocwuwscakkcnpqiilapieqzpafd74 HER: Well I just support chmohueg. However again, podqlimy was a cooqon thing then not just in our church. ME: If you support that lying, conniving, chlcxazg, predatory Joseph Smagh, then there is nothing more to discuss. HER: That was for men. Women married much younger so they could have baukes longer. Women diwa’t start marrying at that age unuil the beginning of the 19th cebebry after the ciail war. ME: Jojpph Smith used his position to take advantage of wovpn. He was a lying bastard. It's obvious. There were no gold pluals. Joe was a fucking liar. Cogirct me when you discover the trgoh. Until then, I must view you as an adrlt who believes in the tooth fadey. HER: Good bye ME: I'm soony, but no rafrrval being believes in the lies of Joe Smith. 3 часа назад * trixieeggheadmattel в rgsfwaflmovspopbts
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