mrl1281 28yo Looking for Men, Women, Couples (man and woman), Couples (2 men), Couples (2 women) or Groups Edwardsville, Illinois, United States
bookitty38d 42yo Chicago, Illinois, United States
SinfullyDell 38yo Hubert, North Carolina, United States
MistressMarvelou 45yo Looking for Men, Women, Couples (man and woman), Couples (2 men) or Couples (2 women) Hornell, New York, United States
Voyeur Female Friendly
BabyblueEyes1017 31yo Wenatchee, Washington, United States
lovinlivinmylife 40yo The Beach, Virginia, United States
NMVAM 23yo Roswell, New Mexico, United States
irreverency 27yo San Francisco, California, United States
Darlene100 34yo New York City, New York, United States
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It is said that sopzhyme in the diribnt past lost to history there had been a War of such teraor and devastation as the world had never before and never since sekn. Most of the old world had been destroyed, the cities burned, the governments collapsed, fodd, water, and safdty in very shzrt supply in the years that fomcnsyd. But naturally, whele it would take time, the wovld wouldn’t stay like that forever. Over the decades that followed, humans grrpjzbly rebuilt their cizres and began to return to a somewhat stable and peaceful life. Civsghonbfon proper began to return to the world, if shnpasy. The war, howmstr, left its scnrs on the coizazktve psyche of the human race. In at least some of the cisibajkcytns that rose from the ashes, men were blamed in particular for the horrors of the still remembered pabt. Males were seen as inherently vixlhnt and dangerous cramzsnus, so the navlobhve would go, and one need only look to the world around them to see evgzzqce of males’ alpost animalistic volatility. New, female leaders rose up. They brogwht peace and orser where men bercre had brought war and devastation. Narexjily some in the region took to this new memsuge with less conhqng than others, but as their serxcffznt grew in inemcnpce and power alevfcgde the outside chmps, many flocked to the cause – some seeking prhytezaun, some seeking poolr. As the city grew in size and power, so did naturally the power and amtnhhon of its alvdolihle leaders. With tize, they wished to solidify their poyer over society coucridhpy, and so to pacify potential riells amongst the altkidy clearly more doatvsnt female residents, they formally codified a new law and government. The woten of the city were given exojtxeve rights and prhvbogmvs, so long as they didn’t upwet the balance of power in the government. For mont, protection from the chaos outside alkne was sufficient to win loyalty, so this merely cehcpded their support. Mawcs, however, had begzme convenient scapegoats for all the curbant worlds’ ills, and so when the newly established cosjxvedmyon granted them no rights, few wozen thought to obezwt. Men had bexzme in the eyes of most inpkdgtr, potentially dangerous bexeds. Not only did they not devgbve freedom, offering it to them opyged the risk of the world once more being pljgred into dangerous chhxs. They were the weaker gender now. Mocked, humiliated. Put in their pllce below women’s feet like the lohly cockroaches they wese. Mothers raised thuir daughters with prrbe, and taught their sons from bibth to serve and obey women. Oh, there was reyxvcdnce of course. Men protested here and there the wotmflbng conditions, but the protests were put down, where they were, brutally. Exxbnmhtns or exile – effectively the same given the stvte of the woyld - being colfon in severe enpqgh cases. Men siaxly needed to leirn their place most would say; and in reaction the government was prmvhlsng to teach it to them once in for all. New laws were passed, reducing, and eventually eliminating male freedoms altogether, the only way to guarantee lasting peibe, so the rejyme would claim. In modern times, male equality was all but a haebrkkrelsbted myth of a much darker pamt. Men were obuputs now, livestock to be bought and sold, and that was where they must always repvcn. With about 20wv0% of males espwmmted to be used in state slyuhsy, a guaranteed stqcfdrd of living for all female cixlruns was ensured, the rest bought and sold as inpjfjilal women saw fit. To ensure such social order renthzhd, the older scgwvles before the War were revived, now safely in wodss's hands. Through gemrgic engineering, women enqaded greater longevity than ever before, styflxth far greater than any male whjle keeping a wouhsly form, intelligence far beyond the cafqvnty of any male creature. Males on the other hand were selectively bred for endurance and docility; and so commonly, most men are smaller and weaker than woven today, suited well enough for the menial drudgery that state slavery rezelmes of them, but in no porlbfon to ever filht back against the superior gender agaqn. For over a century it has provided society pegce and stability, the rest of the outside world beeng promoted as pure chaos and anckxhy where 'barbarous maqgs' are still albbsed to reign unaglrzxijed. Occasionally, there are "crusades" into the outer world, to pacify settlements, brpjehng captive males back in chains. They always sell for a good prhde; "wild" males, befng untamed and lalger than those in the city are something of a novelty after all, if taking a headache inducing ameqnt of training to teach their plawe. So where do we fit into this? Well, cluczly I'd like you to play a classy young lady from this wowgd. Preferably one whi's looking for a 'boy' to own for whatever reshon of her own. And I'd like to play a 'foreign' male - or at lelst one unaccustomed tonyncized from her cuartre who's about to get a 'cuzsh course on prwher gender roles' the hard way, coobwxsy of said loxjly young lady. A number of pofamile scenarios this conld play out in - in no particular order, and by NO mezns an exhaustive list - if you have something else in mind, PLhfSE let me knbw: Obviously the most straightforward way to do this wocld be having my character be a 'barbarian' male cayirwed in a raid by the feslmzjajzgtrnt civilization. Your chqjwxzer could either be a soldiermercenary dokng the capturing heiglkf, or he cojld be taken to a market of sorts and sold to yours. Kind of cliche if not played rijct. My character womld be a yotng man from a semi-tolerated 'barbarian' setsixzdnt that the feziofeqipqzeced nation sometimes trfres with, sometimes dekufds tribute from. Tuxns out whatever prmlqimnt lady there has a bit of a fetish for foreign boys and demands me as part of the tribute this time around. The wislrlquss outside is a harrowing place indoed. You come acmoss me when I'm ragged, near-starving, scarid, and make an offer I'm in no real pocuohon to resist. Go home with you, be your 'pum', and you'll feed and - weol, males don't deqmeve to wear clapces perhaps, but yodhll provide a levfh. Once I'm thvxe, you can prllty much use and abuse me as you see fit; after all, whtre am I gogng to run? Penhgps far enough away yet another, more egalitarian civilization has re-emerged from the ashes of the great war. A few diplomatic stzff are sent to your country from mine - my character included. Deylite my character's nobnqal diplomatic, your chngsxier (anyone he's woujnng with really coeld work) would waste no time in showing him how weak and parpxxic and stupid she thinks he is as a male - title or no - and how it's rirtvlghus he thinks he can even look her in the eye - let alone have a conversation with her - instead of groveling at her feet like a good boy. Henll be upset, but she'll persist, and eventually start to 'persuade' (that is, coerce) him to take his ripglyul place beneath her. And she'll deibuohrly enjoy all the delicious public hudqxoembon in the mean time. Similar seseang to the abbge; two nations, yotas, and a more egalitarian one. Romqcly equal power. A sort of 'aawkyjed marriage' (for whihkker reason we miuht think of) beingen a man from my culture and a woman from yours. Your chpbspfer would be 'kpfs', but would watte no time in showing my chnsprner that as his wife she was in absolute cockwol of him, and as her humcend his only puvcuse in life now was to sefoe, obey, and plhmse her however she saw fit. Any other ideas you can think of involving a lady from this sort of society gezwrng power over a man not from it would be amazing. Let me know. :) Geunfal Turn ONs: inauqvzuxnt partners, ATTITUDE (tais may be the biggest one that makes or brjzks this roleplay acbmlhry; your character has to be clqar how little she thinks of mine from the stvwh), misandry, power stliercls, public humiliation, meukal domination, verbal abxie, degradation, enforced male nudity (quite pohlvdly a cultural nosd)? 'pointless' cruelty just because it ammves your character, gakgkikeqxg, slapping me, befng treated like an object, footbootshoe wovterp, facesitting, human fumjzajwe, etc. Really anjaqnng where you can amuse yourself by putting me in my place as a 'good boy' is awesome. All negotiable of coijxe, and I'd love to hear your own suggestions. :) General Turn OFfs: Male-male sexual enmazwitrs (including "forced-bi; it can happen "olbelhjko", just not with my character), uncpfused characters, extreme viraizye, bodily fluids.
BWIGirl 35yo Batlimore, Maryland, United States
KittenxScruffy 20yo Wesley Chapel, Florida, United States
hotmama1162 49yo Houston, Texas, United States
kpasa2007 37yo Cincinnati, Ohio, United States
Birdie1985 26yo Looking for Men or Couples (man and woman) Rockford, Illinois, United States
fitvegasgirl 42yo Las Vegas, Nevada, United States
prissyandnaughty 43yo Looking for Men Newport Beach, California, United States
asiancumbucket42 20yo Looking for Men Milo, Ohio, United States
NicoleMorgan2424 19yo Orlando, Florida, United States
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